GES is the acronym for Ghana Education Service. It is a government agency under the Ministry of Education responsible for implementing government policies that ensure that Ghanaians of school-going age irrespective of their ethnicity, gender, disability, religious and political dispositions receive quality formal education.

The GES was established in 1974 by the National Redemption Council under the National Redemption Council Decree (NRCD 247). It is governed by a fifteen-member council called the GES Council.

The GES is responsible for all aspects of public education in Ghana, from pre-school to senior high school. It also oversees the training and certification of teachers, and the development of educational curricula.

The GES has a number of key objectives, including:

  • To provide quality education to all Ghanaians, regardless of their background or circumstances.
  • To ensure that all Ghanaians have access to education.
  • To promote lifelong learning.
  • To develop a skilled and knowledgeable workforce.
  • To contribute to the social and economic development of Ghana.

Here are vital information about Ghana Education Service

Ghana Education Service
GES website
GES mission and vision
GES core values
GES organizational structure
GES budget
GES reports
GES news and events
GES social media
GES contact information

GES curriculum
GES teaching methods
GES assessment and evaluation
GES inclusive education
GES special needs education
GES technical and vocational education
GES adult education
GES non-formal education
GES early childhood education
GES basic education
GES secondary education

GES teacher recruitment and training
GES teacher professional development
GES teacher salaries and benefits
GES teacher performance management
GES teacher unions
GES teacher awards and recognition
GES teacher code of conduct

GES student enrollment
GES student attendance
GES student achievement
GES student discipline
GES student support services
GES student extracurricular activities
GES student awards and recognition
GES student safety and security

GES parent-teacher associations
GES parent involvement in education
GES parent resources and support
GES parent complaints and grievances
GES community engagement
GES school-community partnerships
GES school governance committees
GES school feeding program
GES school health programGES private education
GES international education
GES education research
GES education technology
GES education reform
GES education budget
GES education statistics